Joining a Trades Union
Thinking about joining a Trades Union? Below are just a few of the reasons why over 12,000 of Nova Scotia’s Industrial-Commercial-Institutional construction workers have made the decision.
Better Wages
On average, unionized workers in Canada earn $5.14/hour more than non-union employees*. Women in unions earned more too ($6.88/hour) and got paid more fairly. Workers under 25 earned an extra 26% from jobs covered by a collective agreement.
*Canadian Labour Congress
Stability and Security
In the construction industry, you don’t always know where your next job will be, and what kind of pay and benefits you will have when you get there. As a union construction worker, the pay, benefits and working conditions in your union contract are guaranteed and you carry them with you from job to job.
Health Benefits
Union construction workers have extended health and welfare benefits provided by their contract, and these benefits cover their families too. Although non-union employers can offer benefit plans, in general unionized workers have a wider range of health benefits. Benefits can vary among unions, but plans can include: dental, prescription drugs, chiropractic and more. When you’re in a union, your health benefits are portable, meaning coverage follows you from job to job.
Safety, Training and Advancement Opportunities
Building Trades Unions are by far the most important players in helping you acquire and upgrade your skills. Apprentices get paid while learning basic skills. Advanced training allows you to upgrade your skills and keep up with technological change. In Nova Scotia, the Building Trades, in partnership with our affiliated contractors, spend approximately $7 million annually on training.
Retirement Security
Union construction workers have collectively-bargained pensions. Fully portable, multi-employer plans controlled by union and employer representatives, means union construction workers accrue benefits on every job.
Respect and Partnership at Work
Being part of a union means that you have a say in decisions on the job, your views and skills are respected and you work with your co-workers to solve problems. You are provided with what you need to get the job done right…the first time!
Because they are negotiated by and for everyone on the job, union contracts emphasize equality and fair treatment. These contracts provide a written set of rules that applies to everyone (on every job) eliminating favoritism and discrimination and guaranteeing that no one can be unfairly or arbitrarily disciplined or dismissed. Furthermore, unions are equal opportunity, they encourage participation from women and minority groups. Everyone receives the same pay regardless of gender, race, age, class or origin.
For more information about joining a Trades Union, check out our Affiliated Unions page for contact information for each of the respective trades.
Interested in Joining?
If you are interested in joining a Building Trades Union, please visit our Affiliated Unions page where you will find contact information for each trades’ Business Manager.