Community Partners

The Mainland Nova Scotia Building Trades Council believes in giving back to our community. Below are some of our community partners:

Hope Blooms

Hope Blooms is a North End community garden and salad dressing business run by inner city youth with help from mentors. It began in 2008 as a garden project with less than 12 kids involved, and has grown exponentially.

A year round social enterprise and scholarship program is available to interested youth in the community. The children plant seeds, tend crops, and turn their produce into organic dressing which is sold locally in Real Atlantic Superstores across Halifax and Loblaws’ Carlton store in Toronto.

Hope Blooms is dedicated to educating, supporting and empowering youth to positively transform themselves and their community.

Build Right Nova Scotia

Build Right Nova Scotia, a partnership between unionized contractors and the Building Trades constructed a top-of-the-line greenhouse for Hope Blooms. Build Right Nova Scotia contributed all of the supplies and labour for the facility and worked with the youth of Hope Blooms to incorporate their ideas into the project.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Halifax

The Mainland Nova Scotia Building Trades has been a long-time supporter of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Halifax. In 2023, we hosted our 24th Annual Golf Classic in support of this extraordinary organization.

As Canada’s leading child and youth mentoring charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life-changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential, both as individuals and citizens.

Hope Blooms, Halifax